On television Tereshchuk has been a correspondent and anchor, and made documentaries based in many countries around the world for TV networks in both the US (ABC, CBS, Discovery and History Channel) and Britain (ITV, Channel 4 and BBC World Service). He has also been a multimedia adviser to international development agencies and also the United Nations (throughout the administration of Secretary General Kofi Annan.)
Serving since 2012 as Contributing Correspondent and Producer with the PBS network television program Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, he has reported mainly on ethical issues. More recently he has been a Special Correspondent for PBS NewHour Weekend, continuing his ethics-centered coverage.
Every weekend he discusses media practice and ethics on the NPR station WHDD in Connecticut. Podcasts are available at Apple‘s podcast platform and at WHDD‘s own ‘On Demand‘ site, as well as from many other podcast-providers.
Tereshchuk has taught broadcast news and documentary-making at Columbia University‘s Graduate School of Journalism. He holds a Masters degree in English Language and Literature from Oxford University, and is a member of Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs).
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A SELECTION of fairly recent TV work by Tereshchuk can be seen at our Video/Audio section.
A SNAPSHOT collection of his less recent TV journalism is compiled in brief here (below):