Country vs City in Presidential Race Coverage


Vice-President (and Presidential hopeful) KAMALA HARRIS makes a farm visit

I’VE BEEN ON A SHORT HIATUS, far removed from my home-base in the “Media Capital of the World,”  New York City.  And I have to say, rural Maine offers a perspective not always fully taken into account during mainstream media coverage of our presidential contest.   Continue reading “Country vs City in Presidential Race Coverage” »


Media Election Coverage – Turn-Out Levels Are Critical


New York Times headlines on Biden’s troubles

LET’S TAKE A BREAK, shall we, from American media’s most intense preoccupation, as evidenced by yesterday’s supposedly crucial, but inevitably inconclusive White House press conference?

I of course mean a break from the Democratic Party’s restiveness and confusion over their President being or not being the best person to articulate his own record in office and lead them into victory, re-installing him in that office.   Continue reading “Media Election Coverage – Turn-Out Levels Are Critical” »


Computers for the Brain and Body


FINANCIAL TIMES illustration for “Neuro-Technology”

IN MY ROLE OF MONITORING the media I inevitably have to deal with a lot of screaming. Literal screaming – as in so-called discussions on cable television’s so-called news channels. And written screaming, in headlines and text on paper and online. So I’m grateful to have a solid, dependable, and quietly-spoken news outlet like the Financial Times to turn to.   Continue reading “Computers for the Brain and Body” »

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